Chilly's Ice Wall
First entry is August 19, 1997
First entry is August 19, 1997
Name: aisterion | Date: 11/15/24 5:52 PM |
Age: 16 - 20 | Gender: Female |
Favorite color: | Location: glove world |
Comment: any of you been to the detroit zoo and put your hand on the ice wall when you leave the underwater arctic animal exhibit. this is what this feels like to me, touching the sweat of 27 years worth of hands | |
Guest # 7733 |
Name: Section42L | Date: 11/15/24 4:27 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Blue | Location: Canada |
Comment: Sites like yours is what the Internet is for. Keep on keeping on! | |
Guest # 7732 |
Name: FrDougal9000 | Date: 11/15/24 3:36 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Blue | Location: Cork, Ireland |
Comment: Never watched Chilly Willy, but I hope to do that one day. Very cool page. :) | |
Guest # 7731 |
Name: Alexa | Date: 11/15/24 2:53 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Female |
Favorite color: | Location: Canada |
Comment: Birds, cartoons, and old fan sites are all great things, so based on that metric this is basically a perfect website. Glad there's people like you doing what you're doing! | |
Guest # 7730 |
Name: Pedro | Date: 11/15/24 2:38 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Green | Location: Orlando, Florida/United States |
Comment: Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy Chilly Willy | |
Guest # 7729 |
Name: Fritz | Date: 11/15/24 1:53 PM |
Age: 21 - 25 | Gender: Other |
Favorite color: Teal | Location: USA |
Comment: 🎵Like a bluebird on the wing, I just want to laugh and sing, I just wanna do my thing, Peckin' holes in poles! Yeah! Peckin holes in poles!🎵 ...wait, wrong Lantz bird. Anyways, I'm happy to have come across this site! Keep spreading the good word about Chilly Willy! | |
Guest # 7728 |
Name: curiositykilledthebattery | Date: 11/15/24 1:48 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Blue | Location: Pennsylvania |
Comment: chilly willy is goated | |
Guest # 7727 |
Name: Jay | Date: 11/15/24 1:42 PM |
Age: 21 - 25 | Gender: Other |
Favorite color: Ourple | Location: Washington, Vermont |
Comment: We love you Chilly <3 | |
Guest # 7726 |
Name: Astrobat | Date: 11/15/24 1:36 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Other |
Favorite color: Turquoise | Location: USA |
Comment: Thank you Chilly Willy for being so Chilly and Willy. | |
Guest # 7725 |
Name: Eliza | Date: 11/15/24 1:35 PM |
Age: 21 - 25 | Gender: Female |
Favorite color: Yellow | Location: Maryland |
Comment: Long live Chilly Willy!! This page absolutely made my entire day and I'm so glad it exists. Please keep doing what you're doing, and thank you for doing it! The world needs more people like you--and Chilly--in it! | |
Guest # 7724 |
Name: Nobaddy | Date: 11/15/24 1:34 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Blue | Location: Norway |
Comment: Chilly Willy is so very cool... | |
Guest # 7723 |
Name: Severin | Date: 11/15/24 1:34 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Pink | Location: Texas |
Comment: This website needs more butter! It has enough syrup though. | |
Guest # 7722 |
Name: ibcf | Date: 11/15/24 1:27 PM |
Age: 26 - 35 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Blue | Location: USA |
Comment: It always comforts me to return to this miraculous treasure of a website and know that it still exists. I hope it outlasts us all. Here's to our beloved cartoon penguin. | |
Guest # 7721 |
Name: amicus | Date: 11/15/24 1:16 PM |
Age: 16 - 20 | Gender: Other |
Favorite color: Red | Location: A place |
Comment: Chilly Willy's cute, I should buy more merch of him. | |
Guest # 7720 |
Name: Kirill | Date: 11/12/24 3:36 AM |
Age: 16 - 20 | Gender: Male |
Favorite color: Yellow | Location: City |
Comment: I love pumpkin | |
Guest # 7719 |
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