Big Band Theme Song
Sing along with the lyrics🎤
I'm Chilly Willy the penguin.
No wonder, I'm so Chilly all the time.
The wintry breezes blow,
and zero is below.
That's why I'm Chilly Willy all the time.
Poor me, I quiver and I quake.
Poor me, me oh my for goodness' sake.
I'm Chilly Willy the penguin.
For Chilly Willy's chilly all the time.
Poor me, you shiver and you shake.
Poor me, me oh my for goodness' sake.
I'm Chilly Willy the penguin.
For Chilly Willy's chilly...
I feel so awfully silly...
For Chilly Willy's chilly all the time.
I'm Chilly Willy the penguin.
I'm chilly all the time.